1, Introduction

It is very important for us to comply with the current data protection regulations and laws, so below we discuss in detail, present several data protection steps of https://mantisgolfshop.com/ and Mantis Golf Shop, and the processes related to data collection.

The data is managed by Mantis Golf Shop, and this company is responsible for the handling of personal data.


Contact information:

Full legal name: Mantis Golf Shop Limited.

Email address: info@mantisgolfshop.com

Phone number: +2348154681267



2, What personal data do we process and for what reason?

Personal data is what clearly enables an individual to be accurately identified.

At https://mantisgolfshop.com/ we process the following personal data with the exact legal basis:

Communication data

This includes any message you send to us through the Website, e-mail, social media message, or any form of communication.

We process and retain this information so that we can fulfill your orders and provide a basis for decisions in the event of any legal claims.

Our legal basis for processing this is the user’s demonstrable interest in our activity, which is reflected in the messages addressed to us.

Customer data

This includes all information related to the purchase of products and services, such as the customer’s name, shipping and billing address, email address, phone number, details of the product purchased.

We process this data in order to successfully complete orders and to have legally proper records of purchases.

The legal basis for storing the data is the fulfillment of the contract concluded with the order between the customer and Mantis Golf Shop.

User data

This includes data generated during the use of the website that allows the technical operation of the site, to maintain the security of the site, to store backups of user activity, and to always have access to the most relevant content possible.

The legal basis for the processing of data is the user’s clear interest in our activities, which requires the storage of these and the technical operation of the site.

Technical data

This includes information generated during the use of the site, such as IP address, login information, browser data, time of visit of each page, page views and navigation paths, number and time of visit to pages, time zones, and device information with which you view the page.

The source of the data is our analytical software.

We process this data to analyze user habits on the site, keep our site safe, and understand the usefulness of each of our marketing decisions.

The legal basis for data processing is the user’s clear interest in our business, which allows us to process this data in accordance with security requirements and use it to grow our business to operate more efficiently.

Marketing data

Which includes the visitor’s preferences, what marketing content they welcome from us. We process this data to enable you to participate in sweepstakes and to send advertisements related to our products / services that the user has expressed interest in.

The legal basis for data processing is the user’s clear interest in our business, which allows us to process this data in accordance with security requirements and use it to grow our business to operate more efficiently.

The data collected may be used from time to time for purposes such as providing targeted, relevant advertisements on the Facebook ™ platform or on various dynamic advertising platforms and measuring the effective performance of the advertisements.

The legal basis for data processing is the user’s clear interest in our business, which allows us to process this data in accordance with security requirements and use it to grow our business to operate more efficiently.

In the course of our activities, we do not collect sensitive data such as ethnicity, religious beliefs, sex life and orientation, political opinions and union membership, or health background, and genetic or biometric information.


3, How do we collect data?

We may collect personal information in a way that the user provides to us directly (for example, by placing an order or sending a message).

In addition, certain data is collected automatically when you use the site, such as so-called “cookies” and similar technologies. They only take effect after the user has given their consent.

Please see our Cookie Policy for more information.

We receive certain data from external partners, such as analytics providers such as Google (non-EU partner), ad networks such as Facebook ™ (non-EU partner), and payment partners such as PayPal (non-EU partner), and Stripe.


4, Our practical steps regarding data protection

It is extremely important for Mantis Golf Shop to protect the data of users and to comply with the regulations in force. Therefore, following a data protection impact assessment on the site, we have compiled a list of the data collected, their necessity and legal basis, and their legal compliance.

To protect the information provided on the forms and generated on the site, we use SSL certification throughout the website (Let’s Encrypt Authority X3 certification).

To protect the site against attack, we use premium security software (iThemes Security Pro) to protect the stored data against so-called “brute force” and virus attacks.

In the databases of the site, the purchase and user data are stored in encrypted form (pseudonymised), so they cannot be read by third parties.

In this privacy statement, we provide users with forms to request information about the handling of their personal data, to modify or delete their personal data through forms.

From time to time, it is necessary to provide data to our service partners (e.g., hosting provider, courier company, newsletter software) in order to do business.

In such a case, we will always choose to comply with the requirements of the GDPR Regulation and, in the case of a US-based partner, participate in the EU-US Privacy Shield Data Protection Initiative and sign a data management agreement with them to ensure responsible data management.


5, Marketing communication

Continuing marketing communication is essential in the course of business. The legal basis for data management in this regard is to show interest in our services or the express consent of users.

In accordance with the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) of the European Union, we send marketing messages to our users if they have purchased from us or have expressly consented to receive marketing messages.

In all cases, we allow you to suspend your consent and unsubscribe from messages. There is a link to unsubscribe at the bottom of each email, or you can request removal from the database at info@mantisgolfshop.com.

We can also send messages when unsubscribing from marketing communications, but only for order fulfillment.


6, Note on personal information

It is sometimes necessary to share certain personal information with certain of our partners in order to maintain normal business operations:

IT service providers and service providers for troubleshooting and maintenance of computer systems.

Expert partners such as lawyers, accountants, bankers, insurers.

Government agencies that request a report on our activities.

Payment service providers who securely handle credit card information.

Courier services who fulfill incoming orders to the specified delivery address.

International data transfers

We sometimes need to share user data with service providers outside the European Economic Area (EEA) in order to maintain our business.

In many cases, non-EEA countries do not provide the same level of data protection, so European laws prohibit the export of data unless the appropriate conditions are met.

Whenever personal data is transferred outside the EEA, in addition to the steps discussed in point 4, we will take the following steps to ensure the secure processing of the data:

We only transfer data to countries that the European Commission deems appropriate for data security.

We only use US-based services that are part of an EU-US Privacy Shield security initiative.

If the above is not met, users are required to give their express consent to the data transfer. Consent may be withdrawn at any time.

Links to external sites

This page occasionally contains links to external sites, or snippets of code embedded in the site that make external services work.

Clicking on these links or using embedded solutions can allow external partners to collect data about users.

While we make every effort to properly screen partners, we have no control over their privacy policies and are not responsible for their privacy practices.


7, Data Management Duration

We always store user data only as long as our legal / accounting / reporting obligations make it mandatory or necessary for the operation of the service.

When deciding on the duration of storage, we consider the amount, nature and sensitivity of the data and the potential impact of the leak in the event of a privacy incident.

For tax reasons, we are required to retain customers ’billing and purchase information for at least 8 years in order to meet our legal obligations.

Under certain circumstances, we may use the data in anonymized form for statistical purposes, in which case we store the data indefinitely without information.


8, Visitor Rights

As a citizen of the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) grants users of the site the following rights:

a, Access to personal data

Users of the site have the right to request a copy of the personal data stored by Mantis Golf Shop. The request will normally be fulfilled free of charge within 14 days of the request.

In the event of repeated, abusive, unreasonable data requests, Mantis Golf Shop may charge a moderate amount to provide the data, and additional time may be required to provide the data.

Furthermore, Mantis Golf Shop requests proof of identity before releasing the data in order to prevent misuse. To request personal information, please send us an email.

b, Modification of personal data

If personal data has been changed or entered incorrectly, users have the right to request that the data be changed. To change your personal information, please contact us at info@mantisgolfshop.com .

c, Request the deletion of personal data

Users have the right to request the deletion of all their personal data. The request will be fulfilled free of charge within 14 days of the request. After deleting personal data, the user account will not be available, so any purchased materials will also become inaccessible, as the personal data associated with the user account is essential to access the service.

Mantis Golf Shop. requests proof of identity before deleting personal data in order to prevent misuse. To delete personal information, please use the contact form above.

d, Request a restriction on the processing of personal data

Users have the right to restrict the disclosure of their data to third parties (service partners) upon request. When submitting the request, the service partners to be restricted can also be named.

It is important to note that cooperation with certain service providers is essential for the operation of the site (e.g. Stripe and Paypal as a payment service providers), so if they are restricted, the services of the site will become inaccessible to the user.

Mantis Golf Shop requests proof of identity before restricting the transfer of personal data in order to prevent misuse. To restrict the transfer of personal data, please use the contact form above:


9, Anonymized Data and “Cookies”

At https://mantisgolfshop.com/ it uses so-called “cookies” and similar technologies in email messages and advertisements, such as tracking codes, re-marketing tags, pixels, which are activated after the user consents.

These technologies help us better understand user behavior and interest, thus helping us to operate at a higher standard and more efficiently.

Our goal is to make https://mantisgolfshop.com/as user-friendly and personal as possible. If the user wishes to prohibit the recording of non-personal data by these technologies, this can be done in the following ways:

cookie warnings on the website can be used to disable their loading, by disabling “cookies” in your browser

You can find more information about additional cookies and tracking codes at https://mantisgolfshop.com/cookie-policy/ in our Cookie Policy.